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Feast Day Preparations

Posted 11/18/14

Feast Day Preparations

It is time to start plans for our annual DCS Thanksgiving dinner scheduled for Friday, November 21. This will include preK through grade 12 students, teachers, staff, board members, and members of the fire and police departments - approximately 310 people! The elementary students and teachers will dress as Pilgrims and Indians for the day as we attempt to capture the spirit of that first Thanksgiving in the early days of our country’s history.
We will need many VOLUNTEERS to help SUPPLY and PREPARE the food.  Elementary students are to donate food and/or money for supplies.  Secondary students will be charged $4.00 to cover the additional cost of the meal.  Due to health department regulations, the turkeys must be roasted by a licensed caterer.  This adds to the expenses of Feast Day.  Please prayerfully consider your donation.
Elementary families, please use the following link to sign up for donations through Sign Up Genius.  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4dabab2eabfd0-dcsfeast