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Join DCS Mission Trip June 5-13

Posted 02/27/15

Join DCS Mission Trip June 5-13

¡Hola DCS Family!
The DCS Mission trip, June 5-13, travels to the Dominican Republic to share the Word of God. The trip takes students and families all throughout the countryside, assisting with local Word of Life missionaries in their work, sharing the gospel on the beaches and streets, and experiencing the Latin American culture firsthand. The main service project is preparing a Christian Youth Camp for the summer season.
Pam and Ron Morton, experienced veterans, are leading the trip with Word of Life missionary Marcelo Diez (located near Santo Domingo). Spanish experience is helpful, but not required, as you share God's love for a week in the Dominican. The cost of the trip, $1400, will cover all airfare, travel insurance, transportation, food, and lodging.
Several students, chaperones, and Señora have already committed, but there is still room for more! If you, or someone you know, have an interest in this diverse spiritual and cultural experience, please contact Mrs. Bryan at kyra.bryan@dcschool.org or (740) 417-6926 for more information. Purchases for plane tickets with passport identifications must be made by March 25, so please let us know quickly.